ДОН написал(а):Поясните пож, у нового Торнамент 13 - тест 150 гр., а у старого Торнамент 13.5 меньше.
Это за счет нового карбона - прирост теста?
у старого поменьше.
Только пришло письмо от Martin Greene
Нужен Дафи чтобы перевел.
Information as follows;
The rods are made from the new SVF carbon technology also used in the manufacturing of the new BASIA Carp rods for Danny Fairbrass.
The 14ft has a casting weight of 165 grams
The 13ft has a casting weight of 150 grams
The rods come with three carbon tips that are a longer 70cm in length. They also have larger guides for allowing for leader knots on long casts. They have been designed for European use especially large river and canal where casting up to 100 meters is required. The rods also have the new Fuki K guides to stop any wrap arounds with braids and lines and to also aid in casting long distances. They are very special and new to the market, they are also very light.
The new SVF technology stops any 'TORQUE' in the blank when casting a long way with heavy feeders. This is when the blanks twists and turns in the air. This makes your casting very un accurate and not consistent.
They are a very special rod and we will continue to design and develop this type of technology in other rods.
Hope this helps.